Gala Duo
Gala Duo is an hybrid dual channel version of gala that combines both subtractive and physical modeling synthesis. Like Gala XL, it uses 28 modeled instruments oscillator while the second oscillator uses 5 traditional wavetables.
Combining analog and digital
Gala Duo is based on an improved physical modeling code of a virtual analog oscillators that work in an open mixer format and mixes 2 independent top crafted wave-forms with an incredible dynamic range and generates 28 instruments ensemble emulation with it's first oscillator while the second keeps sounding traditionally digital.
Gala Duo's modeled instruments:
3 pop strings
5 oriental strings
4 cinematic-pop brasses
4 clarinets
4 accordions
4 oriental organs
4 saxophones
Gala Duo has full synthesis section, 2 different midi velocity options, a user friendly global hipass-lopass filter, a full section of built in effects (saturation, chorus, phaser,tremolo, reverb and delay), built-in draw-bars system per oscillator, an advanced mono mode, full midi map, stereo and gleam effect and a resizable and customizable GUI. Gala Duo has also a keyboard split feature, just like Gala XL which allows splitting the hardware keyboard into 2 zones and routing each of the 2 oscillators to any zone.
​Demo limitation: 3 seconds silent every 15 seconds.